You should report a lawyer to the bar whenever you have serious concerns about his or her behavior. You can do this by filing a complaint with the disciplinary agency in your state, or with a local bar association. You should always file a complaint only after making a sincere effort to solve your problem.
Complaints against attorneys must be in writing and filed with the disciplinary agency that oversees your lawyer in your state, or with the governing bar association in the jurisdiction where you live. The agency will usually investigate the complaint and make a decision on whether to take further action. If the disciplinary agency decides to pursue the case, you will receive a copy of the investigation results, which will include an explanation of what the disciplinary agency found and what they decided to do about it.
If the disciplinary agency determines that your lawyer has violated an ethics rule, they may issue a written reprimand to your lawyer. The reprimand will be published in the State Bar’s newsletter or magazine and will go into your lawyer’s permanent file.
The reprimand will also be sent to the lawyer’s employer and to his or her references, so you can ask them to speak up about the lawyer if you need them to. You can then sue the lawyer in a civil court of law for damages.
Attorneys who have failed to pay their clients are a good reason for a complaint to be filed with the state disciplinary agency. If you have lost money that your lawyer should have paid to you, or if you have suffered property losses, the agencies in charge of disciplining lawyers can provide funds from which to reimburse you for those losses.
Your lawyer should be honest with you about his or her actions and should not act in ways that would put you at risk of harm. Your lawyer should also tell you how much he or she is charging for legal services and how long it will take to receive that payment. Recommended this site personal injury lawsuit lawyer .
You should also tell your lawyer about the disciplinary agency and bar association that handles complaints against lawyers in your state. This will help your lawyer to be more accountable and may even help him or her to avoid your complaint.
There are many other reasons to consider reporting a lawyer to the bar.
It’s often hard to know whether or not a lawyer is doing a good job, but if you are dissatisfied with his or her work or strategy, it’s time to file a complaint. You should do so before the situation worsens or you lose a lot of money.
A lawyer’s actions can be a huge source of stress for you and your family, so if you have serious concerns about his or her ethical conduct, report it to the disciplinary agency in your state. The reprimand you receive from the agency will not make your problem go away, but it can help you to understand why your lawyer has made the decisions that you believe have been unethical and will help you to find another lawyer who will do a better job for you.